After lining up an for an entire day to get a plane ticket to visit her relatives in the western city of Mérida, Josefina García did not know if she and her octogenarian mother were going to reach their final destination on time for Christmas.
The airport is located 76 kilometres away from the city and when they tried to book a cab in advance to take them to the place where they were going to stay, the taxi company said they could not make bookings because there is a shortage of gas and management did not know if they were going to have enough fuel on the day of Josefina’s arrival.
Once they landed, the 61-year-old and her mother found a cab that had enough gas to take them to a certain part of the city where a cousin would pick them up. In the meantime, another cousin was lining up for gas. He was able to fill his sedan’s tank after waiting for more than six hours.
According to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, the highest proven oil reserves in the world, including non-conventional oil deposits, are in Venezuela.
“Gentlemen: There is no more gasoline in Venezuela. In Venezuela, we are out of gas. In Venezuela, there is no gas oil. In Venezuela, there are no lube oils,” said Iván Freites in a televised press conference. Freites is the secretary of the professional and technician division of the United Federation of Venezuelan Petroleum Workers.
Iván Freites, secretary of the professional and technician division of the United Federation of Venezuelan Petroleum Workers.
In his address, Freites said that poor management led to the stoppage of 80 per cent of the country’s refineries. “Only Amuay and Cardón refineries are operative and that is nothing. They produce 40,000 barrels per day and the national demand is over 200,000 barrels of gas per day,” he said.
Venezuela’s oil production has fallen to levels not seeing since the late-1980s. According to the latest OPEC report, which is based on information provided by the Nicolás Maduro government, the country is producing about 2.3 million barrels of oil per day. In October, it experienced the steepest fall in production of 2017, as only 1.9 million barrels were extracted, 130,000 barrels less than the previous month. The oil industry, however, is still the major source of income as it generates about 96 per cent of the foreign exchange.
“Can you imagine how much it would be to bring our refineries back to operation? To recover production in the Eastern Coast of the Lake (of Maracaibo)?” Iván Freites asked during the media brief. He blamed corrupt government officials for the fuel crisis and dismissed the theory that it is all due to the sanctions that Donald Trump imposed on some key figures in the Venezuelan cabinet.
He also expressed concern about the fact that Maduro’s administration pulled out of a partnership with Cuba in its Cienfuegos oil refinery, taking into account that all of Venezuela’s oil products have been unloaded on the island for the past 15 years before making their way to other markets.
Stephen Gamber
Socialism. Where’s Sean Penn and Michael Moore now?!!
Bible Thumper
They are meeting with Naomi Campbell, Danny Glover and Oliver Stone at Noam Chomsky’s house to discuss the media conspiracy against Venezuela. It is a worker’s paradise. ??? Besides, they would rather poor Venezuelans be without gasoline than allow Exxon-Mobil to make a profit.
Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world and cannot refine and supply enough gasoline for its domestic market. Maduro, the Chavista narco-dictator, is inept and running the VZ economy into the ground.
No gas in Venezuela? And it’s all the USA’s fault? If only the USA could be this effective against ISIS and al Quaida and North Korea and Iran.
Are you saying that all ‘fake news’ does not come from inside the beltway?
King Blonde
Where are Lula and Dilma ( formers Brazilians presidents)?
Lula retired and Dilma got impeached.
The heavy oil refineries required to convert Venezuelan heavy crude into gasoline and diesel are largely located in Texas. A US embargo on Venezuelan petroleum imports and exports would barely make a scratch on the US, but would be fatal to Venezuela. The best approach seems to be to do nothing, and let Maduro sink into the swamp alone… lol
Most of Eastern Canada’s oil imports come from the countries that are part of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), specifically from Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Angola and Iraq. If Canada started holding any of those Countries accountable for their Human rights Violations Eastern Canada could see the same results.
Venezuela does not have any gas because no outside company is willing to build a refinery there and get kicked out a year after turning the ignition key. It is all about the political climate of that country.
True, but only to a point. VZ has refineries of its own, but they are running at 15-20% capacity because they are breaking down without parts and proper maintenance. No cash to buy that, because govt sucked it all up for corruption. Mismanagement horrible. PDVSA is a broken company.
Kent Roche
It is all Trump’s fault!
nonsense….many things are, but not this.
Why dont you people ever understand. This is not about gas availability.
Look at the bigger picture. Its the Socialist way of helping environment.
The concept is – as people get rich and resourceful, their demands grow which make the world dependent on energy which will pollute the world.
Keep the people poor, so that they wash cloths with hand – no need of washing machine.
Keep them poor, so they ride a donkey – no need of automobiles, roads.
Keep them poor, so they eat naturally grown food – no need of fertilizers, pestisides.
Keep them poor, so they die natural death – no need of inventing new medicines, building hospitals, population remains under control.
Keep them poor, so they live in either huts or in community camps – no need of housing.
In 20th century, Russia, China and many other socialist countries helped environment.
This is the 21st century – VZ has taken the lead.
Ben Johnson
The problem in Venezuela is the Venezuelans have eaten all the donkeys
Kent Roche
Isn’t socialism great? Bernie Sanders would approve!