Buenaventura announces strike by contractor workers at the Uchucchacua mine

Compania de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. (“the Company” or “Buenaventura”) (NYSE: BVN; Lima Stock Exchange: BUE.LM), Peru’s largest publicly-traded precious metals mining company announced today that Contractors at the Uchucchacua Mine commenced a strike related to several labor claims, but were mainly focused on the surrounding Oyon Community’s interests.

The strike started April 4, 2011 in the morning, and has affected production. This strike has been declared illegal by authorities.

Buenaventura would like to stress that in January 2011 the striking unions reached labor agreements with their corresponding contractor companies.
The Company will keep the market posted of any developments or changes.

Read the full news release here.


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