Uranium Top Stories

Junk status beckons for these 14 miners

Anglo American and Freeport's credit ratings were recently slashed to well below investment grade – other marquee mining names may soon share the same fate.

Argentina’s new government scraps mining taxes

President Mauricio Macri has revoked a 5% tax imposed by…

It’s time to buy mining stocks, says Ross Beaty

Mining financier and entrepreneur Ross Beaty told an audience at…

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Grand Canyon mining ban frustrating – Denison

The head of Denison Mines (DML.TO: Quote) said on Tuesday he is frustrated by the U.S. government's move to extend a ban on mining on 1 million acres of federal lands near the Grand Canyon, though the impact of the ban on his company remains unclear. In an interview with Reuters, Chief Executive Ron Hochstein said that while three of its Arizona Strip projects are unaffected, Denison is still looking into whether the six-month extension announced on Monday will have an impact on the development of its EZ Complex uranium deposits in Arizona.

Interior Secretary favors permanent new mining claim ban in Grand Canyon region

While the Obama Administration extended its emergency ban on new mining claims around the Grand Canyon only until December 20, 2011, statements made by federal officials at a press conference at Mather Point in the Grand Canyon National Park Monday indicate the ban will probably be permanent. Although U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar repeatedly stressed that mining projects currently in the regulatory pipeline remain alive and viable, fears of possible contamination of the Grand Canyon watershed were repeatedly stressed by federal officials speaking during the news conference. Image of Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar at the Statue of Liberty is from Wikipedia.

Obama Administration Grand Canyon mining ban decision expected today

U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar is expected to announce this morning at 10 a.m. PDT the Obama Administration's decision regarding the extension of a 1-million acre mining ban around the Grand Canyon for 20 years. In 2009 Salazar ordered a two-year time-out from all new mining claims in the Arizona Strip near the Grand Canyon.

Results of Italian referendum: voters say no to more nuclear power plants

Energia Minerals Limited (ASX: EMX) notes that a referendum was held in Italy on the 12th and 13th of June 2011 to decide whether to remove laws passed last year to restart a domestic nuclear energy program in the country. The result of the referendum was that Italian citizens have voted to remove the laws and, accordingly, remove the framework to potentially develop nuclear energy production facilities in Italian territory.

Immigration surges as Australia’s mining boom resonates in Europe

About 100 men in their 20s and 30s, filled a conference room at a Dublin hotel last week to hear a migration agent describe the personal fortunes waiting to be made a world away in the booming mining towns of the Australian outback. With unemployment running at close to 15 percent in Ireland, and local wages a fraction of those now on offer in Australia, it appeared to be an easy sell.

German nuclear phaseout means more coal

Germany will need more coal plants if it is to phase out nuclear power, Chancellor Angela Merkel said. "If we want to quickly get out of nuclear power and into renewable energy, we need fossil-fuel power plants.

Australian minister expects continuing growth in uranium exports despite Fukushima

Australia said the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan would not curb the world's appetite for uranium and predicted its exports will continue to rise as its develops more mines. Spending on exploration in Australia to find more uranium is expected to rise by more than third this year, Australia's minister for mines, Martin Ferguson, said in a speech to geologists on Thursday.