World top copper producer Chile sees copper prices staying above the 2010 average during the next three years, Deputy Mining Minister Pablo Wagner said on Wednesday.
Copper averaged $3.42 per pound in 2010, according to data compiled by the Chilean government.
Pan American Silver said Tuesday it had consulted with Bolivia's Minister of Mines and its unions and "has not received official notification from any government representative with respect to the possibility that the Bolivian government might seek to take control of San Vicente."
Bolivian media reports claims the Morales Administration was considering terminating joint venture contracts and taking control of several mines formerly operated by the government, which could include the San Vincente silver mine.
Teck Resources held an inauguration ceremony last Friday to celebrate the recent start of operations at its new Carmen de Andacollo copper concentrator. […]
Itaoeste, a mineral research and development company active in São Paulo, Piauí and Bahia, recently announced the discovery of a thallium deposit at Barreiras in Bahia, Brazil. With this new addition, the company’s portfolio, comprising manganese, cobalt, iron, titanium, gold, copper and phosphate, among others, becomes even more attractive and places Brazil in the select group of thallium producers, until now limited to China and Kazakhstan.
Canadian gold miner Anaconda Mining Inc posted a fifth-straight quarterly loss, but expenses were lower from a year-ago levels and production rose sequentially.
Net loss for the third quarter was $1.9 million, or 1.5 cents a share, compared with a loss of $2.2 million, or 2.5 cents per share, a year ago.
Bloomberg reports:
Cia. Minera Milpo SA, a Peruvian zinc and lead miner, won the bidding for a copper and molybdenum deposit stripped from Inca Pacific Resources Inc. (IPR) last year and will invest $400 million in the project, the government said.
Lima-based Milpo will start up the Magistral deposit in the northern Andes in 2015, state investment promotion agency Proinversion said today in an e-mailed statement. Peru canceled Vancouver-based Inca Pacific’s concession in October, alleging the company failed to meet investment commitments.