VIDEO: TNM’s Vaccaro kicks off Canadian Mining Hall of Fame

TNM Group president Anthony Vaccaro MCs the 2024 Canadian Mining Hall of Fame ceremony in January. Credit: Canadian Mining Hall of Fame

Every year, the prestigious Canadian Mining Hall of Fame induction ceremony celebrates individuals who have made remarkable contributions to Canada’s mining sector. This year’s event took place on Jan. 11 in Toronto, welcoming five eminent personalities: William Roscoe and John Postle, David Bell, Ross Lawrence, and Eric Sprott, into the esteemed ranks of the CMHF.   

Before the official inductions, MC and Northern Miner Group president Anthony Vaccaro recapped the highs and lows of 2023 — a difficult year that saw big shifts in geopolitics, terrible markets for miners, and sliding metals prices (with the exception of uranium and gold). 

Vaccaro, serving as MC for the fifth year running, got things rolling with a verbal and pictorial journey through the year that was, while reflecting on mining’s deep interconnection with global affairs, and playfully reimagining its public image. He also touched on the profound impact each of the night’s inductees have had on the industry in Canada and beyond. 

Watch the video below for his introduction to the 36th annual CMHF induction ceremony.


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