US Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton began Monday a two-day tour through Kentucky, West Virginia and Ohio, a region that has been economically devastated by the collapse of the coal industry and where she will try to regain some lost votes.
Clinton defeated Obama in 2008 in West Virginia, but has since broadly endorsed the federal government’s clean air policies, and now trails far behind Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.
She defeated Obama in 2008 in West Virginia, but has since openly endorsed the federal government’s clean air policies, and now trails far behind Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.
To make things worse, she said last month in a televised speech she would put coal companies and miners out of business, which has cost her mounting criticism and support. She has since said those comments were taken out of context, and that she is standing by coal communities, but analysts doubt she’ll be able to avoid a “protest vote,” especially in hard-hit West Virginia.
The candidate has mostly focused her campaign messages on coal workers and their families, rather than addressing the difficulties producers of the fossil fuel have been facing.
Throughout her campaign she has criticized attempts made by coal companies to avoid the responsibility to pay healthcare benefits for retirees during bankruptcy proceedings, saying the country owes them gratitude for fuelling decades of economic success.
Clinton has also promised she’ll spend more than $30 billion to revitalize communities dependent on coal production, as part of a broader agenda based on switching to clean energy.
Last month, Peabody Energy (NYSE:BTU), the US largest coal producer, filed for bankruptcy protection. The move followed on the heels of similar actions by four major US coal companies last year — Arch Coal, Alpha Natural Resources, Patriot Coal Corp. and Walter Energy.
As a result, the nation’s total output fell to 900 million short tons in 2015, data from the Energy Information Administration shows, a 10% decline on the previous year.
Perhaps she will be given her next year’s Xmas gift : A lump of coal!
Anyone who believes what she says must also believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden
John Anderson
She’ll say anything for votes but who she really supports or who’s side she is really on all depends on who donates to the Clinton Foundation or who pays for speaking fees. A couple of million from a few coal companies and she’ll roll back all environmental restrictions on coal fired power plants and increase the tax subsidies for coal, Anyone who votes for this evil witch is a fool.
Evil witch is good, but don’t forget the racist, feminist, white-man hating _unt part too – that part of her that believes we should stay on our ‘reservation’ and shut the F up. That said, I would love to see her elected, so that you pathetic white men finally rise up and take your nation back, with use of force and terrible resolve, from the s-for-brains such as her.
Expensive electricity generated by “alternatives” costs people their jobs and hurt our most vulnerable citizens the most. They are truly a crime against humanity.
Any coal operator who entertains her and gives her political cover should be ostracized. She deserves the cold shoulder.
Restless Boomers
We support ‘Hillary for Prison’ in 2016.
I found it interesting that my Union sent a letter endorsing her, yet she stated that she will eliminate union jobs. I absolutely do not trust her and cannot think of a circumstance where I would vote for her. Dr. Jill Stein is starting to look awfully good to me.
That is why everyone gets to vote and not just special interest groups. The voter gets a chance to do what is best for America based on the choices available.
What the F for – what makes or breaks the coal industry is politics regarding global warming and other lunatic crap, not the inner-workings of that industry.
Men —Get ready for your frys with that job. THANKS Clinton!