Fleet Space, Ma’aden partner to accelerate critical minerals discovery in Saudi Arabia

Image: FleetSpace.

Australian space exploration company Fleet Space Technologies and smart solutions provider Tahreez announced Monday the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) outlining a partnership with Saudi Arabian Mining Co. (Ma’aden).

The agreement aims provide the latest breakthroughs in space, multi-physics and AI drill targeting services. The collaboration will also help accelerate discovery of mineral resources in Saudi Arabia and will enable Ma’aden to deploy Fleet Space’s vertically integrated technology stack, ExoSphere.

Fleet Space’s technology brings together satellite connectivity, remote geophysical data acquisition and near real-time data processing to deliver actionable 3D models of the Earth’s subsurface.

The initiative will drive real-time 3D subsurface imaging at scale to unlock the exploration potential of the Arabian Shield and drive progress toward Vision 2030.

Through the joint venture between Tahreez and Fleet Space, a regional task force will be created by the joint venture to support the rapid deployment of ExoSphere across Ma’aden’s projects and opportunity zones in the Middle East to identify potential targets for future development.

“Integrating leading-edge, world-class exploration technologies is a central pillar to Ma’aden’s ambitious growth strategy,” Ma’aden chief executive officer Bob Wilt said in a news release.

“This collaboration will accelerate our path to discovery and strengthen the Kingdom’s position as a mining innovation leader and a foundational partner for the global mineral value chain.”

Flavia Tata Nardini, founder and CEO of Fleet Space, said the real-time 3D subsurface data acquisition, processing and AI-powered insights in a single workflow represents a paradigm shift in the future of mining.

“[It] provides a platform to identify high-quality targets in days while maximizing the ROI of every drilling campaign,” Tata Nardini said.