Teck piloting all-electric haul truck

All-electric haul truck will run between Highland Valley copper mine and Ashcroft. (Teck)

Teck Resources Ltd. (TSX: TECK.B, NYSE: TECK) will begin piloting an all-electric haul truck at its Highland Valley copper mine this year.

Teck today announced it is partnering with MEDATech on a pilot project that will see an all-electric haul truck used to haul copper concentrate from its Highland Valley copper mine to a rail loading facility in Ashcroft — a roundtrip of 95 kilometers.

The announcement follows a previous announcement in January when Teck said it plans to phase out diesel haul trucks in its B.C. operations and replace them with up to 30 electric haul trucks. That plan includes a pilot project at its Elk Valley metallurgical coal mine operations, where a trolley-assist system will be used to recharge the vehicles.

The demonstration projects are part of Teck’s target of reducing the carbon intensity of its operations by 33% by 2030 and becoming carbon-neutral by 2050.

The Highland Valley pilot project will use a MEDATech ALTDRIVE-powered fifth-wheel Western Star truck. A roundtrip to Ashcroft and back is about 95 kilometres, and the truck will make four to five trips per day.

“Since the truck batteries will charge on the downhill haul through regenerative braking, the rig will require only a short battery recharge at the Ashcroft, B.C. rail terminal so the haul cycle time is expected to be the same as a conventional truck,” MEDATech president Robert Rennie said in a press release.

“Testing and implementing new electric vehicle technologies is one way we are taking concrete steps towards achieving our goal of being carbon neutral across our operations,” said Teck CEO Don Lindsay.

The pilot project is expected to begin this summer. Teck estimates it can eliminate 418 tonnes of CO2 annually –equivalent to 90 passenger cars. Teck also expects the move to all-electric will reduce both fuel and maintenance costs.

(This article first appeared in Business in Vancouver)


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